K'NEXT Generation
K'NEXT Generation

K'NEX Workshops

Please note:

  1. The hall/gym is required for the workshops.
  2. Some workshops require tables, chairs and a power supply.

  3. * suitable for P1-7 composite classes.

Crash-test Buggies*

P4-7   60 minutes

Working in teams of 3, pupils will design and build a K'NEX vehicle with a purpose. The purpose is to keep the vehicle's cargo safe when crashing.Cargo will be allocated to each team randomly. Throughout the workshop pupils will have the opportunity to crash-test, assess and improve their solution to the design challenge. Fair testing is also discussed.

Building Bridges*   

P4-7   60 minutes

Following an introduction to the Building Bridges challenge pupils will work in teams of three to design and construct a K'NEX bridge that can pass two tests. The time available and the number of K'NEX pieces are limited. Before final testing the bridges are evaluated and their suitability to purpose discussed. The workshop concludes with a discussion of the learning that took place.

Wind Power*

P4-7   60 minutes

Using specially designed K'NEX kits, small teams will work together to design and build their own windmill to compete in the 'Wonderful Wind Challenge'. Following a brief introduction about wind and wind power, the teams will have time to design, build, test, time and investigate ways of improving their windmills to determine the most efficient design.


Please note: This workshop uses ready-built K’NEX kits. There is very little building with K'NEX in this workshop. If you prefer the ‘full’ K’NEX building experience please choose another workshop, e.g. It’s not Rocket Science or Building Bridges.

Solar Power

P4-7   60 minutes

Following a presenter-led discussion introducing solar power and gears, teams of 3 pupils will design and build their own solar powered gear trains. The teams will need to use their problem-solving and team-working skills to complete this challenge. Time will be allowed for testing and improving of the designs, with help and advice provided when needed. The workshop will conclude with a discussion of the applications of solar power.


K'NEXT Generation would like to thank Data Harvest for

providing some of the equipment for this workshop.

Parasport Challenge*

P4-7   75 minutes

The workshop begins with an explanation of the challenge and a discussion about fair-testing. Then, working in teams of 3, pupils will design and build a K'NEX Racing Wheelchair. Testing and timing of the wheelchairs will take place throughout the workshop giving pupils the opportunity to assess, improve and re-test the wheelchairs. The workshop concludes with a discussion of the scientific principles explored during the workshop. The team with the fastest wheelchair will be awarded medals.


Please note: this workshop includes a competition element.

It's not Rocket Science

P4-7   75 minutes

Following a presenter led discussion about rocket science, pupils will learn about different types of forces while working in teams of 3 to design and build their own K’NEX rocket-powered vehicle. Each team will test their vehicle, discuss and solve any problems discovered during testing and then re-test. The workshop concludes with a whole class discussion about the important factors that need to be considered when building a successful K’NEX rocket-powered vehicle.


Beware: they will be loud bangs and rude noises!

Programmable Robots

P5-7   75 minutes

This workshop introduces simple programming skills in an exciting and challenging way. Firstly, pupils work in teams of 3 to build their robot from instructions, secondly, they learn how to programme it to take part in a series of increasingly complex challenges: Beginner, Intermediate and, time permitting, Ultimate. Important principles of programming are explored, and team-work and problem-solving skills are encouraged and developed. The workshop concludes with a discussion of the skills used during the workshop.


P5-7   60 minutes

An active-learning mathematical-based workshop that will challenge traditional attitudes towards maths and numeracy. Travelling around the world with a partner (without leavng the room!), pupils will collect stamps in their passports by solving mathematical conundrums from across the globe. Team-work, communication and problem-solving are encouraged throughout this workshop and everyone is guaranteed to succeed, with support if required, even those that don't usually enjoy maths!

K'NEX Enterprise

P6/7   180 minutes

Following a PowerPoint introduction pupils work in small teams to carry out a K'NEX Enterprise project. Each team will design and build a K'NEX product: a toy, a machine, a model or an invention. They will cost and price their K’NEX product and calculate how much profit their team can expect to make. They will also design and produce their product packaging. Each Enterprise team will then present their product in the form of a  1 minute television advert. Following a class vote a certificate will be presented to the winning Enterprise team. 


Please note: this workshop includes a competition element.

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+44 01779 813 097


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