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P4-7 K'NEX

P4-7 K'NEX 3D Shapes

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You will need these K'NEX pieces

(you may have different colours)

K'NEX pieces required for this lesson

Or you can use:

drinking straws, spaghetti or pencils instead of rods


plasticine, marshmallows or BluTac instead of connectors


 Before you start, 

it will help to look at this hint from the K'NEX User Group

Challenge 1: Build a square based pyramid

 To describe the properties of a 3D shape we need to count the:

​1. Edges (which join two corners)

2. Vertices (or corners)

3. Faces (or sides)

        8 edges               5 vertices                5 faces

Write these numbers on your record sheet

Challenge 2: Build a prism 

Count the number of edges, vertices

and faces and write them on your record sheet

Challenge 3: Build a tetrahedron

(also called a triangle-based pyramid) 

Count the number of edges, vertices

and faces and write them on your record sheet

 Challenge 3: Can you build a cube?

You may need more K'NEX

or straws/spaghetti/pencils/plasticine/Blu Tac/marshmallows

Count the number of edges, vertices

and faces and write them on your record sheet

 Challenge 4: Build a tower

How tall is the tallest tower you can build

using only the equipment you have used during this lesson?

Great work!



Edges 8
Vertices 5
Faces 5


Edges 9
Vertices 6
Faces 5


Edges 6
Vertices 4
Faces 4


Edges 12
Vertices 8
Faces 6

Ask an adult if they would like to share a photo

of your shapes on Twitter

If they are happy to do this please ask them to include @knextgen

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