Lockdown Challenge

1. Choose a theme (see below)


2. find your building kit

        No K'NEX?   

        No KAPLA?   

        No Problem!

               - use any building kit you have   


               - raid the recycling bin and build with cardboard boxes and plastic pots                 OR

               - draw and colour-in or paint a picture for one of the themes


Ask an adult to share a photo of your model on Twitter and include: #LockdownChallenge


Theme: Bear Buggies

Kid K'NEX Bear Buggy
K'NEX Bear Buggy
KAPLA Bear Buggy

Theme: Bridges

KAPLA bridge
Kid K'NEX bridge
K'NEX bridge

Theme: Robots

KAPLA robot
K'NEX robot
Kid K'NEX robot

Theme: Dinosaurs

K'NEX Dinosaur
KAPLA Dinosaur
Kid K'NEX Dinosaur

Theme: Sea Creatures

K'NEX Crab
KAPLA Octopus
Kid K'NEX Fish

Theme: Lighthouses

KAPLA Lighthouse
K'NEX Lighthouse
Kid K'NEX Lighthouse

Theme: Spiders

Kid K'NEX Spider
K'NEX Spider
KAPLA Spider

Theme: Buildings

Kid K'NEX House
K'NEX House

Theme: Aeroplanes

Kid K'NEX Aeroplane
KAPLA Aeroplane
K'NEX Aeroplane

Theme: Oil Rigs

K'NEX Oil Rig
Kid K'NEX Oil Rig
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